1st SPOT Recreational Drug Use
Lyceum Entheogenic Database
The Vaults of Erowid Documenting the complex realationship between Humans and Psychoactives
Wikipedia Recreational Drugs
Recreational Drugs Information
History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States
Pan-Psychedelia When the genetically-engineered substrates for happy tripping are in place, psychedelia becomes pure, magical fun
Pocket Guide to Recreational Drugs
Drugs forum - All about recreational drugs Drugs forum - All about recreational drugs - marijuana, magic mushrooms, lsd, cocaine, legal high, chemical psychedelics and more
Recreational Drugs Information Home Page The history, growth, medical and recreational uses of marijuana, hashish, mushrooms, mescaline, LSD, cocaine, opium, amphetamines, and other drugs are explored.
Recreational Drugs Everything you need to know about the drugs people take for pleasure today.
The Doors of Perception
States of Consciousness
The Good Drug Guide The Responsible Parent's Guide To Healthy Mood-Boosters For All The Family
Cannabis.com Cannabis, marijuana, and hemp information
Yahooka A Guide to Marijuana on the Internet
The Psychedelic Library Rare articles by Humphrey Osmond, the inventor of the word "psychedelic"
Xenopharmacophilia A guide to Marijuana Alternatives
Cannabis Portal
Canadian Cannabis Links
High Times High Times Magazine
Cannabis News
Crack Cocaine In Search of the Big Bang
cocaine Effects
Cocaine Addiction
Amphetamine Designer Drugs
Alternative Drug Store - Herbal Ecstacy - Marijuana Alternatives Herbal Ecstacy Store, We Have Valium Alternatives, Psychedelics, Stimulants, Sex Enhancers, Xanax Alternatives
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