1st SPOT Intellectual Property
American Intellectual Property Law Association
IP Menu The home of IP on the Internet
Intellectual Property Digital Library
Intellectual Property Law Server The Server provides information about intellectual property law including patent, trademark and copyright.
Intellectual Property Owners Association
Intellectual Property Law Primer for Multimedia and Web Developers
Intellectual Property On the Web
Japanese IP Resources information on patents, trademarks, designs, copyright in Japan
Resources for Intellectual Property Law and Technology Law
UK Government Intellectual Property Page We hope to bring you all the answers to your questions and all the resources you need to find your way through the IP jungle of Copyright, Designs, Patents and Trade Marks.
US Government CyberCrime Page
W3C Intellectual Property Rights Overview What rights should be associated with Web content? How should the rights be expressed, and should the expression of the rights be used for notification, enforcement, or payment negotiation?
World Intellectual Property Organization
Against Intellectual Property
Creative Commons Creative Commons is devoted to expanding the range of creative work available for others to build upon and share.
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Intellectual Property Online: Patent, Trademark, Copyright
The GNU Manifesto "I consider that the golden rule requires that if I like a program I must share it with other people who like it." Stallman has not only worked out the philosophy of this, but also created and contributed the world's best software to back it up.
Groklaw a detailed blow by blow discusssion of the SCO case in which intellectual property claims are prominent.
Intellectual Property Issues
Intellectual Property Law and Technology
A Primer on the ethics of "intellectual property" Intellectual property laws attempt to make a scarce resource out of something that can be infinitely abundant
Piracy Is Progressive Taxation Explores some of the benefits toi the author of a loose interpretation of copyright
What is Copyright Protection?