Calgary Stampede The official website for the Calgary Stampede, featuring the million dollar rodeo, world-famous chuckwagon races and spectacular evening grandstand show.
Coldwater Stampede Greatest Little Rodeo in the East. Rodeo at it's best right here in Coldwater Ontario. Bull Riding, Bronc Riding, Bull Poker and lots more at the Coldwater Stampede.
North Star Stampede Rodeo The site of the annual northstar stampede rodeo in effie mn. promoting the rodeo, the byway, and some unique beaver tail products.
Canadian Girls' Rodeo Association Inventory of archival records of the Canadian Girls Rodeo Association, an Alberta-based organization that regulates girls' rodeo events, and registers rodeo cowgirls.
Pro Rodeo Canada The official site of the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association provides up-to-date statistics, articles and background information on rodeo.